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Climate-resilient agriculture in Flanders
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • precision agriculture,
  • climate change,
  • WaterRadar,
  • Klimrek

Climate-resilient agriculture in Flanders

By Anne Gobin 17.07.2023

As the effects of climate change become more apparent, the need for sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture is more urgent than ever. In Flanders..

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Citizen science in potato fields: what did it teach us?
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • climate change,
  • CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin

Citizen science in potato fields: what did it teach us?

By Joris De Wolf 25.03.2022
The goal was clear. In the agricultural experiment of ‘CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin’ we wanted to monitor the impact of heat and drought on the cultivation..
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CurieuzeNeuzen in de tuin: citizen science towards heat and drought
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • climate change,
  • potato industry

CurieuzeNeuzen in de tuin: citizen science towards heat and drought

By Bart Deronde 25.01.2021

The “typical Belgian weather” is characterized by a sequence of wet and dry spells, cold and warmer episodes, usually following each other in a sequel of..

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Monitoring ecosystem production at global scale
  • land cover,
  • climate change,
  • ecosystem,
  • vegetation,
  • Sentinel-3,
  • CO2,
  • Terra-P

Monitoring ecosystem production at global scale

By Roel Van Hoolst 08.07.2020

Plants are the Earth’s biggest contributors in cleaning the atmosphere from excessive anthropogenic CO2. By converting carbon dioxide into organic..

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Copernicus monitoring the state of the world’s climate
  • EO Data,
  • Copernicus,
  • climate change,
  • essential climate variables,
  • C3S

Copernicus monitoring the state of the world’s climate

By Iskander Benhadj 24.04.2019

Youth for climate, sign for my future, claim the climate … several initiatives have been started all over the world to encourage our policy makers to take..

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