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New plant level statistics for phenotyping vegetable crops with MAPEO
  • AI,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • seed breeding,
  • drone based phenotyping

New plant level statistics for phenotyping vegetable crops with MAPEO

By Sam Oswald 25.09.2023
In the ever-evolving landscape of plant phenotyping, there's a pressing need to get more information about the health and growth of the plants growing in..
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Collecting super high resolution drone data for crop monitoring
  • Crop monitoring,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • drone based phenotyping,
  • crop mapping

Collecting super high resolution drone data for crop monitoring

By Dries Raymaekers 12.06.2023

The OpsDrone project, funded by VLAIO, wants to boost the use of drone services for agricultural applications. One of the big future trends we see in..

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Automated plant and gap count to support seed breeding
  • Agriculture,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • seed breeding,
  • drone based phenotyping

Automated plant and gap count to support seed breeding

By Nick Gutkin 13.09.2022
Seed breeding trials are hard work. Companies engaged in seed breeding put a lot of money and effort into maintaining and monitoring experimental plots in
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Drone and satellite data in the world of seed breeding
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • drone based phenotyping

Drone and satellite data in the world of seed breeding

By Jürgen Decloedt 28.03.2022
Remote sensing has a long track record of providing insightful information for agricultural purposes. For plant breeders, drones have become an..
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