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Monitoring tidal influence on algae with drones
  • Water & coast,
  • drones,
  • water quality monitoring,
  • MAPEO Water

Monitoring tidal influence on algae with drones

By Willem Boone 29.09.2022
In the Netherlands, Rijkswaterstaat is responsible for the management and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities including the waterways. In..
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Water quality monitoring! From knowledge to operational services
  • Water & coast,
  • iCOR,
  • water quality monitoring,
  • plastic pollution,
  • WaterMonitor,
  • MAPEO Water

Water quality monitoring! From knowledge to operational services

By Els Knaeps 27.05.2021

Rivers, creeks, lakes, oceans, … are key components in the hydrological cycle. We use them for drinking, irrigation, transport , recreation,… and they..

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