All posts for
Natural Capital Accounting

Flexible habitat mapping for biodiversity and ecosystem management
  • Biodiversity,
  • ecosystem,
  • Natural Capital Accounting,
  • Habitat Mapping

Flexible habitat mapping for biodiversity and ecosystem management

By Lori Giagnacovo 17.07.2024

With the recent implementation of the Nature Restoration Law and the ongoing UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, accurate habitat mapping has never been..

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New INCA tool to support ecosystem accounting in Europe
  • Biodiversity,
  • ecosystem,
  • NCA,
  • Natural Capital Accounting,
  • Ecosystem services,
  • INCA

New INCA tool to support ecosystem accounting in Europe

By Bruno Smets 17.05.2023

Ecosystem Accounts measure the stock and its changes of our natural capital and the services it provides to the society and our economy. Ecosystem..

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Habitat mapping with AI to preserve Europe's natural capital
  • Biodiversity,
  • EO Data,
  • AI,
  • land cover,
  • Natural Capital Accounting

Habitat mapping with AI to preserve Europe's natural capital

By Bruno Smets 17.10.2022
Habitat Mapping is a key tool to assess progress towards the European Biodiversity 2030 targets as well as the global Aichi targets and more particular..
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Transition to a sustainable planet through Natural Capital Accounting
  • Biodiversity,
  • SDG's,
  • Geospatial,
  • Natural Capital Accounting,
  • Ecosystem services

Transition to a sustainable planet through Natural Capital Accounting

By Bruno Smets 16.01.2022
Our economy and our human well-being highly depend on nature and its “services”. Longley, we underestimated these services, but the recent COVID-19..
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Natural Capital Accounting to protect ecosystem services
  • Biodiversity,
  • SDG's,
  • ecosystem,
  • Natural Capital Accounting

Natural Capital Accounting to protect ecosystem services

By Bruno Smets 18.11.2019

Economic progress has been measured via Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for decades. However, most environmental elements are not recorded in these public or..

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