All posts for

Climate-resilient agriculture in Flanders
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • precision agriculture,
  • climate change,
  • WaterRadar,
  • Klimrek

Climate-resilient agriculture in Flanders

By Anne Gobin 17.07.2023

As the effects of climate change become more apparent, the need for sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture is more urgent than ever. In Flanders..

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Will our potatoes be fried before the yield?
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • EO Data,
  • food security,
  • CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin

Will our potatoes be fried before the yield?

By Bart Deronde 11.08.2022

Last summer extreme rainfall caused devastating floods in the South of Belgium. This summer we’re experiencing a major drought, the fifth in the last six..

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Drone and satellite data in the world of seed breeding
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • drone based phenotyping

Drone and satellite data in the world of seed breeding

By Jürgen Decloedt 28.03.2022
Remote sensing has a long track record of providing insightful information for agricultural purposes. For plant breeders, drones have become an..
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Citizen science in potato fields: what did it teach us?
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • climate change,
  • CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin

Citizen science in potato fields: what did it teach us?

By Joris De Wolf 25.03.2022
The goal was clear. In the agricultural experiment of ‘CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin’ we wanted to monitor the impact of heat and drought on the cultivation..
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WatchITgrow, creating a digital twin of every field
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • Crop monitoring,
  • European Green Deal

WatchITgrow, creating a digital twin of every field

By Jürgen Decloedt 25.11.2021

What started as a yield prediction and monitoring tool for the Belgian potato sector has grown into an open and holistic platform that supports the entire..

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The impact of extreme weather on the cultivation of potatoes
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin

The impact of extreme weather on the cultivation of potatoes

By Bart Deronde 29.09.2021
In spring 2021, the largest citizen science campaign ever on the impact of heat and drought in Flanders’ gardens & fields ‘CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin’ took..
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Remote sensing for agriculture! A history with a bright future
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • AI,
  • MAPEO,
  • CropSAR

Remote sensing for agriculture! A history with a bright future

By Laurent Tits 01.04.2021
Remote sensing and agriculture have been a winning combination for a long time. For us it all started in our early years with the start of the EU MARS..
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Effluent to the rescue?
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • smart farming,
  • drought monitoring,
  • irrigation,
  • WaterRadar

Effluent to the rescue?

By Anne Gobin 22.03.2021

Belgian farmers grapple with drought. For the last four growing seasons, parts of Belgium have faced drought from April to September. According to the ..

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CurieuzeNeuzen in de tuin: citizen science towards heat and drought
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • climate change,
  • potato industry

CurieuzeNeuzen in de tuin: citizen science towards heat and drought

By Bart Deronde 25.01.2021

The “typical Belgian weather” is characterized by a sequence of wet and dry spells, cold and warmer episodes, usually following each other in a sequel of..

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Satellites and drones for variable rate irrigation and fertilization
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • Crop monitoring,
  • precision agriculture,

Satellites and drones for variable rate irrigation and fertilization

By Pieter Janssens 26.03.2020

Efficient fertilization and irrigation are two main challenges for future crop production in Belgium, but also in other European areas with intensive..

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AVR and WatchITgrow support the potato industry
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • AVR,
  • potato industry

AVR and WatchITgrow support the potato industry

By Koen Uyttenhove 25.10.2019

In order to meet all the challenges of the growing world population, we need more data-driven decisions in agriculture. These data-driven decisions can..

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When the heat gets tough ...
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • Crop monitoring,
  • EO Data,
  • Terrascope

When the heat gets tough ...

By Bart Deronde 06.08.2018

We can feel it, hear it and we can even see it from space! Europe is hit severely by a heat wave. Everybody is sharing images and comparisons of..

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WatchITgrow® for the future of the Belgian potato chain
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Agriculture,
  • Sentinel-2,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • Earth observation,
  • Crop monitoring,
  • Yield forecasting

WatchITgrow® for the future of the Belgian potato chain

By Jürgen Decloedt 16.03.2017
How on earth can space technology help farmers and the potato industry grow their business? Knowing what happens on every single field is the first step...
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