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Making drone technology accessible to farmers
  • Agriculture,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • drone data

Making drone technology accessible to farmers

By Stephanie Delalieux 04.12.2023

In modern agriculture, the importance of technology & data has significantly increased in identifying suitable control measures. A notable trend is the..

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New plant level statistics for phenotyping vegetable crops with MAPEO
  • AI,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • seed breeding,
  • drone based phenotyping

New plant level statistics for phenotyping vegetable crops with MAPEO

By Sam Oswald 25.09.2023
In the ever-evolving landscape of plant phenotyping, there's a pressing need to get more information about the health and growth of the plants growing in..
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Collecting super high resolution drone data for crop monitoring
  • Crop monitoring,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • drone based phenotyping,
  • crop mapping

Collecting super high resolution drone data for crop monitoring

By Dries Raymaekers 12.06.2023

The OpsDrone project, funded by VLAIO, wants to boost the use of drone services for agricultural applications. One of the big future trends we see in..

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Do's and don'ts to collect accurate drone data
  • MAPEO,
  • drone management system,
  • drone data,
  • GCP,
  • Ground Control Points

Do's and don'ts to collect accurate drone data

By Johan Mijnendonckx 27.03.2023
Collecting drone data has evolved tremendously over the past years. We have a wide spectrum of end-to-end drone platforms, a variety of sensors and..
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Streamline your drone operations with MAPEO
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • drone management system,
  • drone data

Streamline your drone operations with MAPEO

By Dries Raymaekers 17.02.2023

When using a SaaS platform to manage drone missions and analyze the data delivered, companies expect it to be easy, flexible and completely open. They..

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Automated plant and gap count to support seed breeding
  • Agriculture,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • seed breeding,
  • drone based phenotyping

Automated plant and gap count to support seed breeding

By Nick Gutkin 13.09.2022
Seed breeding trials are hard work. Companies engaged in seed breeding put a lot of money and effort into maintaining and monitoring experimental plots in
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MAPEO, remote sensing data to create your digital twin
  • Water & coast,
  • Land use,
  • Agriculture,
  • Infrastructure,
  • MAPEO,
  • Digital Twin

MAPEO, remote sensing data to create your digital twin

By Jan Biesemans 23.06.2022

Data driven resource and asset management, and situational awareness applications force governmental organizations and companies to arrange their own..

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Drone and satellite data in the world of seed breeding
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • drone based phenotyping

Drone and satellite data in the world of seed breeding

By Jürgen Decloedt 28.03.2022
Remote sensing has a long track record of providing insightful information for agricultural purposes. For plant breeders, drones have become an..
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Early & automated detection of Pine Wilt Nematode to safeguard European forests
  • AI,
  • MAPEO,
  • machine learning,
  • Disease detection,
  • Forest monitoring

Early & automated detection of Pine Wilt Nematode to safeguard European forests

By Nicolas Lewyckyj 21.06.2021

In the framework of the H2020 FOCUS project, an automated workflow has been developed to early detect individual trees affected by the Pine Wilt Nematode..

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Remote sensing for agriculture! A history with a bright future
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • AI,
  • MAPEO,
  • CropSAR

Remote sensing for agriculture! A history with a bright future

By Laurent Tits 01.04.2021
Remote sensing and agriculture have been a winning combination for a long time. For us it all started in our early years with the start of the EU MARS..
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Object detection for plant phenotyping with Phase One and MAPEO
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • AI,
  • MAPEO,
  • phenotyping,
  • Phase One,
  • object detection

Object detection for plant phenotyping with Phase One and MAPEO

By Carsten Wieser 12.02.2021

The use of drone imagery has revolutionized plant phenotyping research tremendously over the past few years. You can not only obtain more detailed and..

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Searching for disease-resistant sugar beet varieties
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • phenotyping,
  • machine learning,
  • Beetphen

Searching for disease-resistant sugar beet varieties

By Stephanie Delalieux 05.01.2021

To boost productivity and ensure food security, we need to protect our crops. The use of disease-resistant crop varieties represents an important means to..

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Applying spatial models to better examine plant traits
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • phenotyping

Applying spatial models to better examine plant traits

By Joris De Wolf 07.12.2020

In agricultural field experiments we examine plant traits to evaluate new seeds or agro-chemical products. Ideally the soil fertility is as homogenic as..

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Developing an object detection workflow for drone imagery
  • drones,
  • AI,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • phenotyping

Developing an object detection workflow for drone imagery

By Sam Oswald 17.08.2020

Drone imagery has been revolutionary for agricultural research applications; allowing us to understand plants, plant traits and the impacts of various..

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Drone-based flower count in fruit orchards
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • fruitculture

Drone-based flower count in fruit orchards

By Stephanie Delalieux 04.03.2020

As a fruit grower you want to obtain a rich and profitable harvest at the end of the season. Reducing the number of flowers and fruitlets early in the..

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How Aphea.Bio is using drones to evaluate biostimulants
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • phenotyping

How Aphea.Bio is using drones to evaluate biostimulants

By Marcelo Labra 10.12.2019

"Agricultural biologicals" is a broad term for naturally occurring substances such as micro-organisms and natural extracts that have the potential to..

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How to integrate a multispectral camera under a low-cost drone
  • drones,
  • Camera & Sensor,
  • MAPEO,
  • multispectral

How to integrate a multispectral camera under a low-cost drone

By Robrecht Moelans 03.09.2019

Drones are a popular platform in the world of remote sensing. They are often budget-friendly, flexible to use and allow to monitor hard to reach areas at..

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Image analytics for objective plant variety assessment
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • phenotyping,
  • plant breeding

Image analytics for objective plant variety assessment

By Esther Monard 20.06.2018

As Belgium’s biggest service provider for agriculture and horticulture, AVEVE is continuously looking for innovative solutions. In plant breeding we’re..

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