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Drone Sampling - Boosting efficiency for drone applications
  • Agriculture,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • Drone Innovations

Drone Sampling - Boosting efficiency for drone applications

By Dries Raymaekers 13.08.2024

Drones have the potential to transform agriculture by offering detailed and specific insights on crop performance, but the high costs and complexity of..

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Making drone technology accessible to farmers
  • Agriculture,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • drone data

Making drone technology accessible to farmers

By Stephanie Delalieux 04.12.2023

In modern agriculture, the importance of technology & data has significantly increased in identifying suitable control measures. A notable trend is the..

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Climate-resilient agriculture in Flanders
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • precision agriculture,
  • climate change,
  • WaterRadar,
  • Klimrek

Climate-resilient agriculture in Flanders

By Anne Gobin 17.07.2023

As the effects of climate change become more apparent, the need for sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture is more urgent than ever. In Flanders..

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WorldCereal releases global seasonal crop type maps
  • Agriculture,
  • food security,
  • worldcereal

WorldCereal releases global seasonal crop type maps

By Sven Gilliams 20.04.2023

In June 2020 the WorldCereal consortium started on a scientific adventure to develop an opensource, agile and robust system for global agricultural..

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Recent trends in Earth Observation for agro-insurance
  • Agriculture,
  • Index insurance,
  • agro-insurance,
  • EO4I

Recent trends in Earth Observation for agro-insurance

By Roel Van Hoolst 19.01.2023

With a rapidly changing climate, agro-insurance has become a very complex business. As we witness more and more extreme weather conditions including..

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Automated plant and gap count to support seed breeding
  • Agriculture,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • seed breeding,
  • drone based phenotyping

Automated plant and gap count to support seed breeding

By Nick Gutkin 13.09.2022
Seed breeding trials are hard work. Companies engaged in seed breeding put a lot of money and effort into maintaining and monitoring experimental plots in
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Will our potatoes be fried before the yield?
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • EO Data,
  • food security,
  • CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin

Will our potatoes be fried before the yield?

By Bart Deronde 11.08.2022

Last summer extreme rainfall caused devastating floods in the South of Belgium. This summer we’re experiencing a major drought, the fifth in the last six..

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MAPEO, remote sensing data to create your digital twin
  • Water & coast,
  • Land use,
  • Agriculture,
  • Infrastructure,
  • MAPEO,
  • Digital Twin

MAPEO, remote sensing data to create your digital twin

By Jan Biesemans 23.06.2022

Data driven resource and asset management, and situational awareness applications force governmental organizations and companies to arrange their own..

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Drone and satellite data in the world of seed breeding
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • MAPEO,
  • precision agriculture,
  • drone based phenotyping

Drone and satellite data in the world of seed breeding

By Jürgen Decloedt 28.03.2022
Remote sensing has a long track record of providing insightful information for agricultural purposes. For plant breeders, drones have become an..
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Citizen science in potato fields: what did it teach us?
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • climate change,
  • CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin

Citizen science in potato fields: what did it teach us?

By Joris De Wolf 25.03.2022
The goal was clear. In the agricultural experiment of ‘CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin’ we wanted to monitor the impact of heat and drought on the cultivation..
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Global Seasonal crop mapping: from validation to demonstration
  • Agriculture,
  • Crop monitoring,
  • worldcereal

Global Seasonal crop mapping: from validation to demonstration

By Sven Gilliams 08.02.2022

In 2022 ESA's WorldCereal project is moving to the next phase, which is the global demonstration. During this global demonstration the WorldCereal..

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WatchITgrow, creating a digital twin of every field
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • Crop monitoring,
  • European Green Deal

WatchITgrow, creating a digital twin of every field

By Jürgen Decloedt 25.11.2021

What started as a yield prediction and monitoring tool for the Belgian potato sector has grown into an open and holistic platform that supports the entire..

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The impact of extreme weather on the cultivation of potatoes
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin

The impact of extreme weather on the cultivation of potatoes

By Bart Deronde 29.09.2021
In spring 2021, the largest citizen science campaign ever on the impact of heat and drought in Flanders’ gardens & fields ‘CurieuzeNeuzen in de Tuin’ took..
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Mapping crops at a global scale! What works and what doesn’t?
  • Agriculture,
  • Crop monitoring,
  • worldcereal

Mapping crops at a global scale! What works and what doesn’t?

By Kristof Van Tricht 19.07.2021

ESA WorldCereal’s challenging task is to build an open-source classification system for seasonal crop mapping at the global scale. For every 10 m X 10 m..

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What happens on the fields? Monitoring the crop calendars
  • Agriculture,
  • food security,
  • e-shape,
  • eurogeo,
  • geo

What happens on the fields? Monitoring the crop calendars

By Kasper Bonte 07.07.2021
About a year ago, we introduced you to the H2020 e-shape project. Based on user need analysis, we started updating and developing agricultural services to..
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Earth Observation best practices for the agro-insurance
  • Agriculture,
  • EOData,
  • agro-insurance

Earth Observation best practices for the agro-insurance

By Roel Van Hoolst 03.06.2021
Agriculture is an inherently risky business. Extreme weather conditions, diseases and natural disasters are putting agricultural production under..
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Towards a global land cover map at 10 m resolution
  • Land use,
  • Agriculture,
  • Biodiversity,
  • Sentinel,
  • global land cover,
  • worldcover

Towards a global land cover map at 10 m resolution

By Ruben Van De Kerchove 22.04.2021
The goal of ESA’s WorldCover project was clear! Develop a new global land cover map at 10 m resolution in less than 2 years to provide valuable..
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Remote sensing for agriculture! A history with a bright future
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • AI,
  • MAPEO,
  • CropSAR

Remote sensing for agriculture! A history with a bright future

By Laurent Tits 01.04.2021
Remote sensing and agriculture have been a winning combination for a long time. For us it all started in our early years with the start of the EU MARS..
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Effluent to the rescue?
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • smart farming,
  • drought monitoring,
  • irrigation,
  • WaterRadar

Effluent to the rescue?

By Anne Gobin 22.03.2021

Belgian farmers grapple with drought. For the last four growing seasons, parts of Belgium have faced drought from April to September. According to the ..

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Object detection for plant phenotyping with Phase One and MAPEO
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • AI,
  • MAPEO,
  • phenotyping,
  • Phase One,
  • object detection

Object detection for plant phenotyping with Phase One and MAPEO

By Carsten Wieser 12.02.2021

The use of drone imagery has revolutionized plant phenotyping research tremendously over the past few years. You can not only obtain more detailed and..

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CurieuzeNeuzen in de tuin: citizen science towards heat and drought
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • climate change,
  • potato industry

CurieuzeNeuzen in de tuin: citizen science towards heat and drought

By Bart Deronde 25.01.2021

The “typical Belgian weather” is characterized by a sequence of wet and dry spells, cold and warmer episodes, usually following each other in a sequel of..

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Searching for disease-resistant sugar beet varieties
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • phenotyping,
  • machine learning,
  • Beetphen

Searching for disease-resistant sugar beet varieties

By Stephanie Delalieux 05.01.2021

To boost productivity and ensure food security, we need to protect our crops. The use of disease-resistant crop varieties represents an important means to..

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Applying spatial models to better examine plant traits
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • phenotyping

Applying spatial models to better examine plant traits

By Joris De Wolf 07.12.2020

In agricultural field experiments we examine plant traits to evaluate new seeds or agro-chemical products. Ideally the soil fertility is as homogenic as..

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WorldCereal, mapping global agriculture at field scale
  • Agriculture,
  • Crop monitoring,
  • ESA,
  • worldcereal,
  • crop mapping

WorldCereal, mapping global agriculture at field scale

By Sven Gilliams 16.11.2020

ESA’s WorldCereal project aims to develop an efficient, agile and robust EO based system for timely global crop monitoring at field scale. This is a huge..

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CAPSAT, quantifying yields with combined Sentinel data!
  • Agriculture,
  • Sentinel,
  • AI,
  • CropSAR,

CAPSAT, quantifying yields with combined Sentinel data!

By Jan Biesemans 08.10.2020

Europe has the ambitious objective to become a sustainable region by 2030. Circular Economy, Farm to Fork, Zero Pollution, Natural Capital, a modernized..

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e-shape to support sustainable agriculture in Europe
  • Agriculture,
  • food security,
  • e-shape,
  • eurogeo,
  • geo

e-shape to support sustainable agriculture in Europe

By Sven Gilliams 08.06.2020

Just past the first anniversary of the e-shape project, you should by now all know our slogan; We e-shape EuroGeo!! But what does it mean? What is..

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Palm tree mapping using deep learning on aerial images
  • Agriculture,
  • EO Data,
  • deep learning,
  • AI,
  • Red Palm Weevil

Palm tree mapping using deep learning on aerial images

By Maria Culman Forero 12.05.2020

When thinking of palm trees, most people start dreaming of beautiful beaches or stunning locations. But besides this ornamental aspect, palm trees also..

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Drone-based flower count in fruit orchards
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • fruitculture

Drone-based flower count in fruit orchards

By Stephanie Delalieux 04.03.2020

As a fruit grower you want to obtain a rich and profitable harvest at the end of the season. Reducing the number of flowers and fruitlets early in the..

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How Aphea.Bio is using drones to evaluate biostimulants
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • phenotyping

How Aphea.Bio is using drones to evaluate biostimulants

By Marcelo Labra 10.12.2019

"Agricultural biologicals" is a broad term for naturally occurring substances such as micro-organisms and natural extracts that have the potential to..

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AVR and WatchITgrow support the potato industry
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • AVR,
  • potato industry

AVR and WatchITgrow support the potato industry

By Koen Uyttenhove 25.10.2019

In order to meet all the challenges of the growing world population, we need more data-driven decisions in agriculture. These data-driven decisions can..

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Mapping irrigated areas over Africa and the Near East
  • Agriculture,
  • land cover,
  • irrigation,
  • FAO,
  • WaPOR

Mapping irrigated areas over Africa and the Near East

By Laurent Tits 17.06.2019

Did you know that agriculture is responsible for up to 70% of all water withdrawals in the world? With water becoming more scarce, making every drop count..

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Looking through the clouds to improve crop monitoring!
  • Time series,
  • Agriculture,
  • Sentinel-2,
  • EO Data,
  • deep learning,
  • AI,
  • Sentinel-1

Looking through the clouds to improve crop monitoring!

By Kristof Van Tricht 03.06.2019

For the past decades now, remote sensing has been increasingly contributing to many agricultural monitoring services by providing worldwide systematic..

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Remote Sensing, beyond the science
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Agriculture,
  • circular economy,
  • space technology

Remote Sensing, beyond the science

By Steven Krekels 18.12.2018

A couple of weeks ago we were pleased to celebrate our 20th anniversary.  It's truly amazing: 20 Years of Remote Sensing! Since 1998 we’ve been exploring..

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ASIS, the tool for global agriculture drought monitoring
  • Agriculture,
  • EO Data,
  • food security,
  • drought monitoring,
  • ASIS

ASIS, the tool for global agriculture drought monitoring

By Roel Van Hoolst 16.10.2018

The balance between the food demand and availability is becoming more and more fragile in many parts of the world. To feed the rapidly growing population,

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PROBA-V data for timely livestock management in Namibia
  • Agriculture,
  • PROBA-V,
  • cattle management,
  • land cover

PROBA-V data for timely livestock management in Namibia

By Cornelis van der Waal 06.09.2018

Namibia is the most arid country in sub-Saharan Africa. Due to the high variability in rainfall there is widely fluctuating forage production from..

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When the heat gets tough ...
  • Agriculture,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • Crop monitoring,
  • EO Data,
  • Terrascope

When the heat gets tough ...

By Bart Deronde 06.08.2018

We can feel it, hear it and we can even see it from space! Europe is hit severely by a heat wave. Everybody is sharing images and comparisons of..

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A Sentinel shake for early crop mapping
  • Agriculture,
  • Multitemporal image analysis,
  • Sentinel,
  • food security,
  • deep learning,
  • radar,
  • optical

A Sentinel shake for early crop mapping

By Kristof Van Tricht 17.07.2018

The growing world population and its related ever-growing food demand requires a close monitoring of the agricultural landscape and timely estimates of..

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Image analytics for objective plant variety assessment
  • Agriculture,
  • drones,
  • MAPEO,
  • phenotyping,
  • plant breeding

Image analytics for objective plant variety assessment

By Esther Monard 20.06.2018

As Belgium’s biggest service provider for agriculture and horticulture, AVEVE is continuously looking for innovative solutions. In plant breeding we’re..

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EO data for agricultural insurance
  • Agriculture,
  • EO Data,
  • food security,
  • Index insurance,
  • SDG's

EO data for agricultural insurance

By Francesco Rispoli 06.03.2018

Tonight at dinner you might not think about poverty, hunger, and poor nutrition, but unfortunately that’s not the case for one in nine people in the..

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Understanding Landscapes: the case of Voeren
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Agriculture,
  • Biodiversity,
  • Image Processing

Understanding Landscapes: the case of Voeren

By Anne Gobin 10.01.2018

Landscapes evolve and the drivers behind the changes relate socio-economic activities to their bio-physical environment. Regions that have international..

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Supporting food security from space
  • Time series,
  • Agriculture,
  • Multitemporal image analysis,
  • PROBA-V,
  • Sentinel-2,
  • food security

Supporting food security from space

By Erwin Goor 15.12.2017

For a food secure world, agriculture needs to get digital, i.e. we need “smart” agriculture to ensure food for all. Combining and analyzing this “Big..

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How EO data is used for humanitarian response
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Agriculture,
  • PROBA-V,
  • EO Data

How EO data is used for humanitarian response

By Alex Merkovic-Orenstein 01.12.2017
VITO Remote Sensing distributes processed Earth Observation data to users worldwide. In this blog, we are giving the word to Action Contre La Faim (ACF)..
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Celebrating 25 years of agricultural resources monitoring
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Agriculture,
  • EO Data

Celebrating 25 years of agricultural resources monitoring

By Herman Eerens 27.11.2017

The JRC-MARS unit (Monitoring  Agricultural ResourceS) develops methods, tools and systems to monitor agricultural evolutions (areas and yields) in Europe..

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Spatiospectral processing, the key to high resolution hyperspectral imaging
  • Agriculture,
  • EO Data,
  • Hyperspectral,
  • ButterflEYE LS

Spatiospectral processing, the key to high resolution hyperspectral imaging

By Stefan Livens 21.11.2017

Precision agriculture aims to optimize returns by automated observation of crop fields using small unmanned aerial vehicles. The challenge is to provide a..

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Weather impacts on agriculture
  • Climate,
  • Agriculture,
  • EO Data,
  • smart farming

Weather impacts on agriculture

By Anne Gobin 06.11.2017

European farmers increasingly face more risks that can affect their livelihoods. With greater market orientation of the European Union’s Common..

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Monitoring water use in agriculture from space
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Land use,
  • Agriculture,
  • EO Data

Monitoring water use in agriculture from space

By Laurent Tits 16.10.2017
Agriculture is one of the main water users in the world. In order to achieve food security in the future, it is essential that the water resources are..
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My motivation to do research
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Agriculture,
  • Crop monitoring

My motivation to do research

By Laura Paladini 29.09.2017

Why do I do research? I am often asked this question, these days. Working in research is not always easy, but millions of people across the world are..

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New technologies help plant breeders make a leap forward
  • Agriculture,
  • Image Processing,
  • drones,
  • EO Data

New technologies help plant breeders make a leap forward

By Jürgen Decloedt 12.07.2017

Imagine a field, where 10000 variaties are growing in tighly, regularly spaced plots. Welcome to the daily live of plant breeders. Plant breeders observe,..

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Drones for early fire blight detection
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Agriculture

Drones for early fire blight detection

By Stephanie Delalieux 23.05.2017

It’s every fruit grower’s priority to keep his orchards safe. But sometimes you cannot avoid diseases like fire blight. Fire blight in pear orchards is..

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WatchITgrow® for the future of the Belgian potato chain
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Agriculture,
  • Sentinel-2,
  • WatchITgrow®,
  • Earth observation,
  • Crop monitoring,
  • Yield forecasting

WatchITgrow® for the future of the Belgian potato chain

By Jürgen Decloedt 16.03.2017
How on earth can space technology help farmers and the potato industry grow their business? Knowing what happens on every single field is the first step...
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PROBA-V MEP brings you closer to the data
  • Land use,
  • Agriculture,
  • Image Distribution,
  • Image Processing,
  • PROBA-V,
  • MEP

PROBA-V MEP brings you closer to the data

By Erwin Goor 13.03.2017
PROBA-V’s Mission Exploitation Platform (MEP) complements the PROBA-V user segment by building an operational Exploitation Platform on the data and..
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MultiTemp 2017: prepare to meet in Bruges
  • Time series,
  • Data harmonisation,
  • Remote Sensing,
  • Climate,
  • Agriculture,
  • Biodiversity,
  • Event,
  • Multitemporal image analysis

MultiTemp 2017: prepare to meet in Bruges

By Bart Deronde 01.03.2017
It’s time for the bi-annual MultiTemp conference. We will be gathering for the 9th edition in Bruges, Belgium, from the 27th to the 29th of June this..
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